Welcome 2024! So I am not much of a strict goal setter, but I am one who prays for a focus, an intention for an upcoming year. I feel strIct goals set me up for failure and life always throws some curves that pushus off course for a minute. I do utilize and benefit from daily habit trackers for my personal health and my businesses to keep my tasks organized in a positive direction and get a visual of how that is progressing. When I feel stuck or unsure, my go to:
By praying every day for guidence around the highest good for all in any situation and trusting in the process being shown, i can be sure the right activity and outcome will follow. Be where your feet are and embrace the obstacles, because most of the time the obstacles are the way! They have shown up to get our attention. God will find a way to us through what we are paying attention to, so we probably should become still and pay attention! Personally, I usually hesitate to start something that is out of my comfort zone for fear of not being able to be consistent enough to do a good job. So, this is my focus for the year!
Please, never, never underestimate the power of staying in it and the value in the marathon of where our life is taking us. It is what we do that nobody sees, the messy middle, that keeps us moving in a positive direction. Every year people gear up for the start of their "best year ever" where they set their goals and start off with lots of energy and focus posting how well they are doing....then it gets hard, life happens and the derailing starts. Please hear this...(KAREN) it does not have to be all or nothing! :)
Shake iit off, regroup and do the next right thing! Try not to compare yourself with someone you think looks successful, stay on your path, stay in your lane and do the next right thing. Celebrate getting started and certainly celebrate a milestone or accomplishment, but remember it is the daily rountine right things that makes th most impact!
So, through me to you, lol, I have a couple of areas of focus. I feel it is imperative we support each other on our paths, so I have created a free wellness group, YOUR WELL ZONE COMMUNITY. If you choose to join, (I feel very strongly about permission) there will be a variety of wellness information posted by me there and chatting within the group is encouraged. In addition, I will manage a group dedicated to my Shaklee customers and Ambassadors specifically, titled SHAKLEE WELL ZONE.
These groups are listed under the group tab on the website at yourwellzone.com and from the more section (bottom right) on the well zone app.
Just select JOIN GROUP and you will be added and will also send an email campaign.
My hope and prayer for all of us is to make this a holy healthy year and support each other on that path!
Blessings and BE WELL!
Love this-thank you for your wisdom and positivity
Well said Karen!