A prayer to put on the full armor of God:
Praying God’s Word is one of the ways we take up the sword of the Spirit. These are words I’ve prayed again and again these past years in the spiritual battles in our lives. Would you join me as we stand firm in the armor of God today?
Let us offer this prayer for all elected officials in our country!
Lord, by faith we put on the full armor you have given us. Your provision and power are our protection. Thank you for this extraordinary gift.
By faith we put on the belt that is truth of your Word and the truth that is the Lord Jesus Himself. Jesus, you are my way, my truth, and my life. Hold us together with your truth. Fortify us to the core, the center of our strength, with your belt of truth. Hold every part of us in alignment with truth.
By faith we put on the breastplate of your righteousness. Cover our heart, our source of life, and all our desires with your way of doing and being right. Guard our heart and emotions from every dart and arrow of the Enemy. Remind us of your nearness when we feel alone in the fight. You cover our vulnerability with your presence. Thank you for the gift of your righteousness.
By faith we put on our shoes of the preparation of the gospel, the good news of salvation that gives us peace. Empower us to stand and to walk in your powerful peace. May your peace prepare our motivation, words, and actions for all we will encounter today.
By faith in the power of your name, we lift our shield. Cover us with your faithfulness. Shelter our elected officials with the shield of faith. Deflect every fiery arrow that comes against us today. We depend on you as we raise our faith over our vulnerability and need.
By faith, we put on the helmet of salvation. Guard our every thought with your saving grace. Protect our mind and don’t let us forget that you have saved us and are making us holy and whole. Let our salvation deliver us from faulty thinking that leads to doubt and defeat. Help us to remember that the battle is yours and you have already defeated the Enemy.
By faith, we take up the powerful sword of your Spirit. Open our ears to your “rhema” words “uttered by the living voice.” Guide our hand to the specific truth of your Living Word that will best defend against Satan’s schemes. Your Word is a two-edged sword, powerful to defend and to advance. Move us to wield the sword of the Spirit, for you know what will best meet the need of the moment.
In all these things, Wei pray in the Spirit with every kind of prayer you put in our heart. We depend on you to help us to pray. We depend on your protection and help to stand firm and resist the Enemy.
In the name of Jesus, amen.
And in the shelter of Our Savior, let it be so.